I am an author who writes books to inspire children and teenagers, people who live with them and people who work with them.

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About Me

I am an author and writer with decades of experience in books, magazines, newspapers and writing for charities. My latest book is Meet the Dyslexic Club!: fantastic for encouraging younger children.

My last book, You can Change the World! Everyday Teen Heroes Making a Difference Everywhere, was written to inspire teenagers to make the changes they want to see in their own lives and in the world around them. This won a Gold Medal for Multicultural Nonfiction in the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards in the USA. It was chosen to support young people with their mental health for the Reading Well Scheme in the UK.

My previous books, Dyslexia is my Superpower (Most of the Time) and Creative, Successful, Dyslexic, were written to show people with dyslexia that, no matter what label they are given, with the right support, focus and hard work they don’t need to let anything hold them back.

For half of the week I write for charities, most recently for the RNID, Maggie’s, and Alzheimer’s Society. For three years I worked for Independent Age, a charity supporting older people, interviewing those they help and writing up their stories to support their many areas of work.

I write short autobiographies, so do let me know if you’d like me to write about one of your family members. Everyone has a story worth saving.

In a previous life, I have been a columnist on the Telegraph Saturday Magazine, Contributing Editor at Options magazine and Senior Features Writer on Woman’s Own.
Most of my working days are spent listening to others and helping them tell their stories. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do.